

Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (Scientific work):

The guide to academic work offers orientation for your own academic work for music education studies (school music, instrumental/singing education, elementary music education). The requirements of the guidelines apply to all music education seminars and final theses, unless the respective teachers have specified other requirements. The additional assistance includes tips on scheduling, time management, structured work, using word processing software and much more.

WLAN (Wifi):

HfM Detmold participates in the education roaming (eduroam) initiative. This means that all students, teachers and employees of HfM Detmold can access the Internet via our network as well as via the network of all participating universities and colleges.
More information can be found here

Wahlfächer (Elective subjects):

Elective subjects must be chosen at the beginning of the 4th semester of the Bachelor’s course and at the beginning of the 1st semester of the Master’s course. The choice of possible selective subjects can be found in the curriculum of your course. For the elective subjects in the Master programs there is a list as well as a checklist for students. If you have any questions regarding the elective subjects please contact the student adviser Margarete Buch.

The application form for single lessons in the elective subjects can be found here.

Wohnsitz und Umzugsprämie (Residence and relocation reward):

Choosing a place of study often also involves a change of residence and the question of how to correctly register your place of residence. More information on if and when you have to register your new place of residence can be found on the website of the city of Detmold. The city of Detmold pays a relocation reward of EUR 100 to students who move their primary residence to Detmold.

Wohnungssuche (Accommodation):

Unfortunately, the capacity of the student residences is limited and usually insufficient to provide rooms to all students.
The sooner you start looking for accommodation, the sooner you will find a room or a flat.

Student residences in Detmold:

Rooms for rent on the Internet:

Other options for finding accommodation:

  • Postings on the notice board in front of HfM Detmold’s canteen in the Palais
  • Postings on the notice board of Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences (Bielefelder Straße 66)
  • Youth hostel (as a temporary solution for the first few days)