

Postfächer im Palais (Mailboxes at the Palais):

There are mailboxes for all students in the Palais. Please check your box regularly to see if you have got any mail.

Prüfungen anmelden (Examination registration):

The forms for registering for the artistic final examinations, final theses as well as pedagogical examinations can be found here.

For the artistic final examinations, a room must first be booked at the Artistic Administration Office. You can then use the respective form to register for your examination. Please note that only complete applications can be considered.

Please note that the exam registration page is currently being updated with the new process and therefore old information may be available here.


Prüfungen abmelden (Examination cancellation):

Once you have registered for an examination, you are required to participate in the respective examinations. If you are unable to take part in the examinations, you must immediately inform the Student Services Department accordingly.

Withdrawals from examinations or failures to attend examinations must be applied or apologised for in writing. The withdrawal or failure has to be justified and made credible. If you are unable to take an examination due to illness, please hand in a medical certificate from your doctor to the Student Services Department.

Psychosoziale Beratung (Psychosocial counselling):

Professional psychosocial counselling in crises or problem situations is available to all students of HfM Detmold. This offer applies to all students irrespective of their nationality, religious or church affiliation. Counselling is provided by trained psychologists at the Protestant Counselling Centre (Evangelisches Beratungszentrum) and is subject to confidentiality. Counselling in English and French is also possible. The counselling sessions are free of charge for all students and are of course confidential. Secure enquiry via: