

Kammermusik (Chamber music):

The work of chamber ensembles is a particular focus at HfM Detmold, which is why it promotes several permanent ensembles and organises numerous internal competitions. More information about chamber music at HfM Detmold can be found here. Chamber music certificates (Testate) can be obtained by playing in public concerts. You can register for chamber music matinées via this page. If you are looking for chamber music partners, you can join the Kammermusikbörse HfM Detmold on facebook.

Karrierezentrum (Career Centre):

The Career Centre was founded in 2009. It assists and supports students and alumni on their way into professional life. The Career Centre is located in the building at Neustadt 20. It is headed by Stefan Simon. Mrs. Verena Curuti is responsible for Musicians’ Booking Service at HfM Detmold.

Klassenlisten (Class lists):

The faculty office is responsible for the grouping of students into classes. Your contact persons for any questions regarding the class lists are Mrs. Heidi Schafmeister and Mrs. Sabrina Schäfer.

Krankenversicherungspflicht (Compulsory health insurance):

In Germany, health insurance is compulsory for all students enrolled as full-time main students (compulsory student insurance). If you have private health insurance, you must apply for exemption from the German statutory health insurance fund. In the information sheet you will find all the important information on the subject of health insurance for students.

Information on the Student Registration Procedure (“Studenten-Meldeverfahren“, SMV)

The new Student Registration Procedure (SMV) of the statutory health insurances stipulates an electronic exchange of the relevant data between universities and health insurances. From 1st January 2022, according to § 199a SGB V, data transfer between universities and health insurance companies must take place exclusively electronically in both directions. This electronic procedure replaces the previous paper procedure.

Data which are needed to fulfil reporting requirements will be exchanged within the SMV between universities and health insurance funds.

In detail this means:

From 1st January 2022, the health insurance company will inform the HfM Detmold digitally about:

1. existing health insurance.

2.  a change of health insurance company.

3.  a delay in payment of health insurance contributions.

     Important: Re-registration for the next semester is then automatically blocked!

4. a payment default that no longer exists. In this case, the re-registration block (see point 3) will be removed, and only then will it be possible to re-register for the next semester.

The HfM Detmold sends information at the beginning and end of the studies of the insured students to the health insurance companies.

Please note:

The following students and groups of persons do not participate in the SMV:

1. young students

2. part-time students/secondary students

3. doctoral students

4. guest students /students in the master course “Musikvermittlung”

If you have any questions, please contact the Student Service.

Illness, chronic

Life as a student, amongst all the interesting and inspiring things which it includes, can also present challenges.

In the case of studying with a chronic illness or other health issues, challenges may be faced with regard to university access, the organisation of study, in lessons and exams, in connection with financial support, and regarding the use of facilities belonging to the university and students associations.

In such cases, please contact the student advisor in confidence. She will provide advice and examine with you the possibility of a compensation for disadvantage (“Nachteilsausgleich”). Such compensations can be applied for to compensate for difficulties during your study course, insofar as the difficulties are related to a health impairment. Amongst other requirements, a specialist medical opinion must be included with such an application.